Title IX violations can happen to any person attending school or working in a federally funded education institute, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Often, the victims are college students. College athletes and students are at an awkward age where they are no longer children but not quite adults. If they have experienced a Title IX violation, they may not want to report it or talk to anyone about it.
Title IX violations can be uncomfortable to discuss with a stranger. But, if you or a loved one have been sexually assaulted, harassed, or discriminated against, you have the right to file a complaint against your college, university, and/or the person responsible. A Title IX violations attorney in Chicago can help you through this difficult process.
A Title IX violation must be discrimination “on the basis of sex” and must occur in an educational setting or institution receiving federal funding.
Violations occurring in sports are the most common Title IX infractions. All student-athletes should be given equal treatment, funding, promotion, and opportunities, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. This is not always the case when it comes to college athletics. A recent Newsweek article reported that although Title IX was enacted 50 years ago and there have been huge gains for women in sports, there are still huge gaps.
“Only 30 percent of college sports recruiting budgets, for example, are spent on female athletes, even though women make up nearly 60 percent of students. Male college athletes received $252 million more in scholarship money than women last year.”
Title IX not only covers athlete equality, but it also encompasses grading discrimination, gendered program funding discrimination, dress code discrimination, enforcement of school rules discrimination, crime and violence prevention discrimination, violence targeted at specific genders, sexual violence and assault, sexual harassment, and bullying due to gender or sexual orientation.
Additionally, if someone files a Title IX complaint and the offender retaliates in some way (a coach refusing to play an athlete who reported them or a professor purposefully giving bad grades), Title IX offers protection. Title IX also covers employees employed by federally funded institutions if they are discriminated against due to gender or sexual orientation.
Title IX violations are numerous and varied, and claims can become extremely complicated and time-consuming. Employing the help of an experienced, knowledgeable Title IX violations attorney in Chicago is necessary to combat this type of discrimination and abuse. A civil liberties attorney can help you prove your case, punish the offender, and possibly win compensation for your pain and suffering.
Suppose you are a college student or are employed by a federally funded educational institution and believe you have been impacted and hurt by a Title IX violation at your educational institution. In that case, you should consult a Chicago Title IX Violations Lawyer. It will be to your benefit to hire an attorney who is an expert in Title IX. They will have the resources and the knowledge to investigate your claim, punish the violator, defend your interests, and fight for compensation for damages. Call The Law Offices of George M. Sanders, PC, today to schedule a consultation.