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Chicago Title IX Violations Attorney

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Chicago Title IX Violations Attorney

Title IX refers to a federal civil rights law included in the Education Amendments of 1972, and it’s designed to prohibit discrimination based on sex in all educational programs that receive financial assistance from the federal government. Title IX offers important protections to students, and if you or someone you care about has experienced a Title IX violation, reaching out for the professional legal counsel of a dedicated Chicago civil rights attorney is an important first step in protecting your rights. 

Title IX

Title IX is a comprehensive statute that includes the following: No person in the United States shall, based on sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Those institutions that receive financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education include all the following:

  • Local school districts
  • Postsecondary institutions of learning
  • Charter schools
  • For-profit schools
  • Libraries 
  • Museums 
  • Vocational rehabilitation agencies 

All students are protected from discrimination on the basis of their sex, which includes on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation, in relation to all the following:

  • Being treated differently
  • Being harassed 
  • Being subjected to a hostile environment 

Title IX’s reach extends to every manner of a school’s programs and activities, which include all the following:

  • Admissions
  • Access to courses
  • Access to athletics, including resources, facilities, and opportunities to participate

Educational facilities are responsible for upholding the protections afforded by Title IX.

Title IX and Sex-Based Harassment

Schools are required by law to take the necessary steps to prevent and remedy both sexual harassment and gender-based harassment. Sexual harassment refers to unwelcome sexual conduct, which includes all the following:

  • Sexual advances
  • Requests for sexual favors
  • Verbal, nonverbal, and physical conduct of a sexual nature

Sexual harassment includes sexual violence, which – in this context – means physical sexual acts that are either perpetrated against a person’s will or that are perpetrated against a person who does not consent or is incapable of consent, including:

  • Sexual coercion
  • Sexual abuse
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual battery
  • Rape

Sexual harassment can be perpetrated by an employee of the school, by another student, by a third party, and any student can be a victim, including:

  • Both male and female students 
  • Students who identify as LGBTQ+
  • Students with disabilities
  • Students of different races, national origins, and ages

It’s important to note that a sexual harassment charge can apply to someone who is the same sex as the victim. 

Taking Action

When a Title IX sexual harassment infraction is identified, the educational institution in question is required to take prompt and effective steps that are reasonably calculated to do all the following

  • End the harassment
  • Rectify the hostile environment
  • Employ preventions related to further occurrences
  • Remedy the effects – as appropriate

An Experienced Chicago Title IX Violations Attorney Is Standing By to Help

The formidable Chicago Title IX violations attorneys at The Law Offices of George M. Sanders recognize how challenging overcoming the effects of a Title IX violation can be, and we’re committed to skillfully employing the full force of our impressive experience and drive in defense of your rights. Learn more by contacting us today.


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Highly recommend The Law Offices of George M. Sanders. I worked directly with Mr. Sanders and he was extremely knowledgeable and very professional. He had my best interest in mind the entire time and made sure he wasn't wasting my...

Kristen R.

Mr. Sanders provided a simple, cost effective solution to resolve my issue. They were very responsive and timely and provided tremendous communication through every step in the process. I recommend this firm to anyone seeking legal guidance, support, or service!!

Antony T.
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